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The Importance of the Human Touch

The Importance of the Human Touch

Published: 29 May, 2023

We need human contact as much as we need vitamins and minerals. A human touch can be numerous different sensations. It’s sometimes sharp, painful but it can also be relaxing and pleasurable. Interestingly it is much more than these classic five senses; we can communicate how we feel and we bond through touch. How does

The Spirituality Surrounding Tantric Massages

The Spirituality Surrounding Tantric Massages

Published: 15 April, 2023

In many of the world’s religions, physical pleasure is not synonymous with spiritual growth. But Tantra does not resist this connection – indeed, in Tantra, spiritual growth is not possible without addressing the physical needs of the body. These ideas, while unorthodox and incompatible with many religions, actually pre-date them by thousands of years.