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What You Need To Know About Massage - Essential Tips

What You Need To Know About Massage - Essential Tips

When you hear the word massage, do you start to feel relaxed immediately? Did you know that stress is a common problem for nearly everyone these days? It is often present both at home and at work, so we can easily say that it surrounds us non-stop. Most of us do not realise what a significant problem it is; causing headaches, heart disorders, anxiety, blood pressure, and sometimes even sexual issues. One of the best ways to deal with stress is through a great, relaxing massage. People deal with stress differently; some of them use medication, while others turn to alcohol, caffeine or smoking. Only few people can relax by simply watching TV or meeting friends and going out. Some of them need serious treatments, as stress can ruin their lives completely.

Given that a massage will benefit you in a variety different ways, this is the best way to stay calm and relaxed. If stress plays an important role in your day, it can greatly affect your sexual life as well. The more difficult you to find it to rewind, the less energy you will have for your partner and this could result in further problems too. There are different types of massages, but this time I would like to write about tantric massages. When you hear the word tantric massage, you might think it only concerns sensual gratification and nothing more. In fact, it is much more than that. It also includes therapeutic elements which create relief from stress and fatigue.

So what is the ancient tradition of Tantra? They say that the human body consists of different circulatory channels which need to be massaged regularly in order to have a better circulation of body fluids. This includes the blood, hormones, sweat and nerve signals. When someone receives a full body massage, all of these channels are opened and given relief from pollutants and tension. When you receive a good amount of oxygenated blood circulation, your skin glands get rid of congestion and it has a positive effect on strengthening your sensual perception and rejuvenating your sexual energy.

Tantric massage doesn’t only mean a sensual fulfilment, but total well-being as well. If you are looking for a good tantric massage, it has to be therapeutic and sensual in order to have the best outcome. The simple fact is that you can use your hands to bring immense pleasure to another person without the coldness of traditional therapies and outside the intimacies of sex. My aim here is to summarise the most essential tips for a great tantric massage:

1. Familiarise yourself with tantric massage first
Your partner will only feel relaxed if he can see that you are confident with this type of massage. You also need to make sure that the warmth of your personality comes through at the same time. This is an extremely sensual massage, so you will need to be as feminine and erotic as possible.

2. Make the right ambience
You need to find a warm, quiet room to perform tantric massage in the best way. You won’t need a lot of money for the preparation or any special equipment in the room. Lock the door if possible and switch off your mobile phones. Turn down the lights; soft lighting will make your partner feel more relaxed. It will also help him stay in the present and not get distracted. Choose sensual music which you can play softly in background. Trim your fingernails for better sensation.

3. Choose the right sensual aromas
A good tantric massage requires a pleasant and sensual aroma as well. It will help to strengthen your partner’s senses and by breathing the right aromas it in, he will be able to relax more easily and enjoy the massage more thoroughly.

4. Use different types of scented oils
Choosing the right oil is one of the most important factors in tantric massage. You will need to find the perfect combination of essential oils which will make the massage as sensual and enjoyable as possible. Make sure you warm it up before you use it, as it feels much nicer on the skin. Always put oil on each part of the body before you start to massage it. Let your oil soak into the skin. Be careful not to apply too much oil as it will leave your partner dripping. Always wipe the oil off gently with a soft towel before your partner turns over and after the end of the massage.

5. Focus on relaxing your partner in the beginning
You can easily achieve this by simply massaging the meridian line of his body. If your partner is tense, the first thing you need to do is make him feel relaxed. If you start with a relaxing massage, it will unquestionably lead to greater sensual pleasure and revitalisation.

6. Massaging the head
Massaging the head isn’t always associated with physical pleasure. Since the head is probably one of the most sensitive parts of the body, it is very important to spend some time on it while massaging your partner. It can become the source of the most indulging and purely physical pleasure. Interestingly, an unbearable headache can disappear after a good head massage; so allow enough time to massage that area. You will relay and soothe the head and at the same time the massage will act like a stimulus for mental activities. At the end, relieve the tension on the neck and spine at the point where they connect to the brain to make the mind relax.

7. Massage the neck, shoulders and back
The most stress affected areas in the human’s body are the back, shoulders and the neck muscles. These areas need to be massaged first, helping to make the person feel fully relaxed before anything else begins. Repeat your movements at least three times. Touch and stroke as much as possible throughout the entire massage.

8. Massage the hands
Hands are very similar to our head. Even though hands are bony, thin and relatively small, their muscles and nerves are extremely active all day long. They are the most mobile part of our bodies. Apply oil on the hands to keep the skin moisturised. Since the hands are almost completely hairless, they crack easily so it is essential to avoid this.

9. Arouse your partner with long and smooth movements
When you are massaging your partner from the front, always use long circular smooth movements so you can arouse his senses at a leisurely pace. This type of massage mainly focuses on experiencing the body to the fullest without any pre-determined goals. Your partner will respond to your soft sensual touch slowly. These strokes spread satisfaction and pleasure and can be wonderfully therapeutic. Use the full surface of your hands while keeping your fingers together. Try to blend all of your movements into each other to make sure the contact is continuous during the whole massage. Remember to keep your stroking rhythmic, even and symmetrical.

One of the most wonderful things about massages is that it always allows people to forget about time and schedules. In a world full of expensive devices designed to increase enjoyment in life, it is enormously pleasing to realise that you can give so much pleasure simply by using your hands. Make your massage an exquisitely sensual experience, beyond description or imagination. Pleasure and therapy all in one – keep that in mind.

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